Every player needs to learn what amount and what kind of practice is best for him/her. On the range you should always warm up, couple of stretches, use a training aid if you have one, then start with your short irons and work your way through your set. This progression allows you to increase your flexibility slowly ant to avoid strains and pulls.
You should always be aiming at a target, few golfers take care over their alignment on every shot.The biggest abuse is when I see players turn up with just a driver on the range and smash away as hard and as fast as they can with no thought of where they are aiming. You will always hit your woods better if you warm up first with smaller swings, thinking more of finesse rather than power, it makes your practice more meaningful and productive, hit every shot intelligently, so you don't become a ball beater!
Work on your set up routine and keep changing you target then you don't zero in on one area, adjusting your your club face and body alignment constantly. PRACTICE LIKE YOU ARE PLAYING. Leave 10 to 12 balls at the end of your practice session and use them to imagine you are playing a par3, par 4 and a par 5. Watch your concentration now.
You need a good balance of practicing and playing, all practice can make you a poor player, you have to learn how to score, so play as much as you can. Practice on the course with a couple of balls and play one ball from the worst spot, it will help you grind it out. Play as many balls as you can round the green from different spots trying to get up and down, one chip, one putt.