Physchology of putting
Amateur players usually form very unrealistic expectations about what distances they should be holing putts from because of what they see tour players doing on television. We are only watching the leading players on their good days and frequently the best putts going in the hole. This can make amateur players think and feel that their putts should go in too. This comparison with the best in the world breeds very unrealistic and unhelpful thinking.
Check out these tour statistics from the European Tour, I bet you will be surprised.
Putt length Average Tour Player
1 ft 100%
2 ft 99%
3 ft 98%
4 ft 90%
5 ft 80%
6 ft 69%
7 ft 60%
8 ft 52%
9 ft 46 %
10 ft 40%
10 to 15 ft 29%
15 to 20 ft 18%
20 to 25 ft 12%
25 ft + 5%