Christmas Round Up 2013
Firstly, I would like to welcome our new cowboy Graham Jackett, a keen marathon runner so don’t let him get behind you on the course. Hope you all had a good winter and another great trip was enjoyed in Spain. I got myself off to sunny Florida, where you can’t go wrong for guaranteed weather and very competitive green fees on great golf courses. Also, Disney magic, like a big kid with Mickey and Minnie mouse. It was great fun!
Sadly not long after I got home my mum became ill and died in March, thank you for all your kind messages. She was one of life’s characters, my best friend. Any of you will know what it feels like when you have lost someone you really love. There was no one prouder of my achievements in golf than my mum and she always took a great interest in Carla’s Cowboys. I managed to pass my PGA Advanced diploma and now have Advanced Professional status. I went to the graduation at Birmingham University in April. This was for mum!
The first competition of the year was at Frodsham, which was moved back to April as we had snow! Julie won with 34 points on a card play off from her better half, John. Then also off to play Sale in April, which was a lovely day. I played with Trixie Dixie and Julie and there was some good steady play. Dixie was driving like a demon! Julie was passing on some accurate yardages with her new GPS watch, couldn’t go wrong except put the ball in the hole! J.C was showing off with his new Motocaddy, boy did he look the part! “I wish the swing would match it” he chuckled. The winner on the day was Jesse James with 38 points.
May took us to hilly Houghwood and Bob commented that it was the best bacon butty he had had so far. The course was in lovely condition and the rain kept off. I played with Bagpipe John who had a very steady round, hitting all the par 3’s in regulation! His Scottish wheels only fell off for a couple of holes but he managed to settle himself down and single putt the last 4 holes. ‘Look at that,’ he remarked. Bronco brooks was our other playing partner, just not quite on his lovely roll today. I sneaked in for the 2’s so that was nice and Cool John O’Connell won with 37 points, which was a close call as he dropped his cigarette machine halfway round but J.C. found it and saved the day for him.
In June the cowboys headed off to Woolton golf club, which is a very nice parkland course and well kept. I was on holiday down in West Sussex, lovely part of the world and not a spot of rain. Our sympathy goes out to J.C as he lost his mum and couldn’t make it on the day. The winner was Bronco Brooks with 34 points. Around this time we had another new cowboy join us, Dave Stephens. Welcome Dave. Fast talking Bill introduced him so I will leave that with you!
Dr. David had a charity heart foundation day at Pryors Hayes in July and Brooky, Julie and John were in the team and they came third so well done to them!
We had a great spell of summer then, up in the high 70’s most days but unfortunately we had rain at Runcorn, end of July. The course was immaculate though. I played with Doc Dave and J.C. Doc Dave had some tree trouble and was getting a little frustrated after bragging he’d been playing so well and beat a 16 handicapper at Royal Liverpool golf club! If you know Runcorn you don’t have to be far off line to be in trouble!
We are all into these wrist GPS’s not sure we all know what’s going on with them though. J.C has one that talks to him because he can’t see it, he told me the yardage on one hole, “you have 203 yards to the centre of the green”. “Ok” I said, just about to take my backswing, “hold on” he cries, “that’s the time! I think everybody’s satellites are linking up with every body else!” We had a great day and a fantastic meal, “the best so far” George bellowed out. I’m not joking there was more meat on that chicken than there was on George! The winner of the day was Fast Talkin Bill with 34 points. He was chuffed to bits!
August shooting ground was Aldersey green, always a tricky one for some reason. Never many good shootin’ scores there. The winner was Slinghookin Steve with 33 points. J.C tried to turn up for the day but got lost and gave up. Lots of cowboys on holiday for this one, including me. Had a great time in Normandy, France and empty golf courses, a golfers dream!
Beautiful Indian summer day for the John Biss Trophy, he ordered it again!
Every body was a little nervous on the first tee as I chose to film their swings to show at the 19th, some cringed and some were quite chuffed.
It was a great day, I played with Maverick Mal, Gee Up George and Cool John O’Connell. Mal was very impressed with George’s colour coordination of the day, yellow and orange! George cried disappointedly that he has an orange towel for his golf bag but he’d forgotten it today. I’m not sure whether that upset him so much he started chucking his clubs on the 11th or the frustration of his bad shots! Could have been both! In fact, on the same hole Mal asked me if you could tap down the lie around the ball with your foot! What’s going on? We had lots of prizes and nearly everybody won something which was great but the winner of the John Biss Trophy was Bronco Brooks. A worthy winner indeed!
October, the last one of the year, for the cowboys, at Bidston Golf Club which none of us found easy in any way. We all had a few detours I ended up at Wirral ladies golf club and the Tennis club! Linda and Bob followed Steve and still got lost as they were following the wrong car! Eventually we all got there safely after staring at the rain, which hammered down all morning and by the time we teed off it was dry with just a bit of a gale! It was blowing that hard on the 1st hole that many a cowboy visited the car park, the bullets were firing! Ping! Ping! Nervously we checked our cars on the way out. I played with Linda and Jesse James, blind leading the blind. Which green are we playing to? We lost our trust following Steve, Julie and Bag pipe John as they walked off down a path because they couldn’t find the 2nd tee. There was a great deal of looking for balls too as the leaves were white! Sundance Stephens said he couldn’t believe how many balls he had lost on a course with no rough! He still managed to win though with 28 points, after hitting the portakabin on the 1st hole in the car park! Nothing like a good start eh!
The Player of the year is Bronco Brooks, who has shown his consistency throughout the season. It was a close win by 2 points. Well done and I’m sure you will all agree that David has done a great job organising all the games on a Wednesday for you. Also, thanks to Steve for organising the society day competitions once a month. This keeps our little society together, enjoying great fun and good company.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas and new year and good golfing for 2014.
Very Best Wishes
Love Carla
Friday, 20 December 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013
A pre - shot routine is a consistent set of actions and thoughts carried out before each shot. If the golfer is not consistent in thought and action then he/she does not have a pre- shot routine. It is important because it allows the golfer to retain control during pressure situations. It is helpful to develop and practice the same routine, you can do this on the driving range and take it onto the golf course.
I see this often on the driving range where golfers are just striking the ball anywhere, not using the targets on the driving range and not using a pre- shot routine. No wonder they can't see consistency on the golf course! This pre - shot routine should continue right through your game, even your putting. All players you watch on T.V have a pre - shot routine so if it's good enough for them.
Here are a few tips for you to try,
1. Stand behind your ball to target line and pick a spot inches away from your ball looking down the target line, this will help you zone in on your target and take dead aim!
2. Make a couple of practice swings as you visualise the shot.
3. Walk up to your ball to address it, keeping your eyes over your aim line.
A pre - shot routine will lead to concentration. Concentration cannot be forced, so just let it happen. Having a consistent pre - shot routine and imagery of the shot will develop concentration naturally.
I see this often on the driving range where golfers are just striking the ball anywhere, not using the targets on the driving range and not using a pre- shot routine. No wonder they can't see consistency on the golf course! This pre - shot routine should continue right through your game, even your putting. All players you watch on T.V have a pre - shot routine so if it's good enough for them.
Here are a few tips for you to try,
1. Stand behind your ball to target line and pick a spot inches away from your ball looking down the target line, this will help you zone in on your target and take dead aim!
2. Make a couple of practice swings as you visualise the shot.
3. Walk up to your ball to address it, keeping your eyes over your aim line.
A pre - shot routine will lead to concentration. Concentration cannot be forced, so just let it happen. Having a consistent pre - shot routine and imagery of the shot will develop concentration naturally.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Uphill, downhill and sidehill lies
Some golf courses are more hilly than others, so you need to understand how to play those awkward up hilly lies. When you are on the driving range you are always practising from a flat lie so it can be difficult to put it into practice.
On the course you have to make sure you align your body up with the slope or down with the slope always making sure that you are level with it. Making the correct choice of club is also important, for example:
UPHILL LIE - This will increase the loft of the golf club. Take less lofted club. Ball position forward in your stance.
DOWNHILL LIE - This will decrease the loft of the golf club. Take more lofted club. Ball position back in your stance.
UPHILL SIDEHILL - Make sure your golf club swings level with the ground, you will more than likely have to hold further down the shaft than usual. Aim further to the right as the ball will fly to the left because of the slope.
DOWNHILL SIDEHILL - You will have to bend more in your posture and aim left as the ballflight will go to the right.
Make sure you take plenty of practice swings so you can maintain good balance This will also help you feel where you are going to make contact with the slope and the ball.
On the course you have to make sure you align your body up with the slope or down with the slope always making sure that you are level with it. Making the correct choice of club is also important, for example:
UPHILL LIE - This will increase the loft of the golf club. Take less lofted club. Ball position forward in your stance.
DOWNHILL LIE - This will decrease the loft of the golf club. Take more lofted club. Ball position back in your stance.
UPHILL SIDEHILL - Make sure your golf club swings level with the ground, you will more than likely have to hold further down the shaft than usual. Aim further to the right as the ball will fly to the left because of the slope.
DOWNHILL SIDEHILL - You will have to bend more in your posture and aim left as the ballflight will go to the right.
Make sure you take plenty of practice swings so you can maintain good balance This will also help you feel where you are going to make contact with the slope and the ball.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
The benefits of new grips
If you are looking for an improvement in your game, check your grips on your golf clubs. They are often ignored, but it is one of the cheapest options for better play. Your old grips could be a major hindrance to your game, they gradually wear and go unnoticed. Golfers slowly adjust to worn out grips, the grips gets shiny and slick, so your grip pressure gets tighter and once there is tension in the wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders and neck it is virtually impossible to make a smooth and controlled swing.
A new grip will eradicate this problem and help with longer straighter shots. You can even have the right size fitted for your hand, if done properly, for example if the grip is too thin for your hands, you will only grip it tighter resulting in too much tension and you won't be able to release the golf club very easily. The same applies if the grip is too thick for your hands. You can even have lighter grips if you prefer to 'feel' more weight in the head, this also applies for putting.
The grip is what you are in contact with, which makes up all of your 'feel' through the golf club.
Please contact me at the Pro shop or email me and we can get those new grips fitted. They will be ready for you the next day.
A new grip will eradicate this problem and help with longer straighter shots. You can even have the right size fitted for your hand, if done properly, for example if the grip is too thin for your hands, you will only grip it tighter resulting in too much tension and you won't be able to release the golf club very easily. The same applies if the grip is too thick for your hands. You can even have lighter grips if you prefer to 'feel' more weight in the head, this also applies for putting.
The grip is what you are in contact with, which makes up all of your 'feel' through the golf club.
Please contact me at the Pro shop or email me and we can get those new grips fitted. They will be ready for you the next day.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Weighted club
Do you struggle with hitting all your clubs the same distance? This generally happens with women and older golfers who let their muscles get out of shape. They generally don't hit the ball hard enough for the loft to make any difference. That's why the 4 iron goes as far as the 8 iron.
To stretch the muscles, for more distance you should practice swinging with a weighted club 5 minutes a day, in a couple of weeks you will see a big difference in your club head speed. There are lots of training aids on the market to add weight to the golf club. Contact me if you need help.
The Powersleeve weighted training aid is perfect for this purpose and is available at my Pro Shop to buy where I will give a demonstration of how to use it effectively.
In just 15 minutes I can improve the dynamics of your golf swing.
To stretch the muscles, for more distance you should practice swinging with a weighted club 5 minutes a day, in a couple of weeks you will see a big difference in your club head speed. There are lots of training aids on the market to add weight to the golf club. Contact me if you need help.
The Powersleeve weighted training aid is perfect for this purpose and is available at my Pro Shop to buy where I will give a demonstration of how to use it effectively.
In just 15 minutes I can improve the dynamics of your golf swing.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Improving your golf game cannot be underestimated, yet the percentage of golfers who have regular lessons is extremely low. Instead many players try to work out their faults themselves, take advice from playing partners, or look at the latest instruction from magazines and tips from You Tube.
All golfers are trying continually, striving for improvement but are ignoring the single most effective way of solving a re occurring problem. Unlike other sports golf has such a tiny margin of error that even the slightest change in the grip, posture, alignment feels awkward. These are fundamentals that never change. Often awkward is right when instructed by a pro!
Every top player has a coach they can turn to. Club golfers tend to look elsewhere always hoping for something better from someone else. They also look upon lessons as just for beginners which is why most only get to a certain level and stay there with little improvement. You are not just paying for tuition, you are paying for RESULTS! Experience and knowledge from your PGA Professional. It is important you find a Professional you can gel with and is a good communicator, this will always bring great achievement to your game. Elite amateurs and all Professionals are continually striving for improvement and recognise the benefits as they realise it is holistic, mind , body and swing.
If you can afford golf tuition, one or two lessons a month is ideal and can transform your game, just to keep you topped up without falling into those natural tendencies and having a good practice plan in between. Even when you are playing well it is important to go back to your Professional for the feed back and the confidence aspect. This is not a lot to ask for if you want improvement. At the end of the day, you want to enjoy the game don't you?
The quickest way to improve your scores is to work on your short game. I see so many golfers heading for the range with their driver's, beating balls but never do I see as many on the short game area and they wonder why they are not scoring.
I learnt golf from the green backwards and have always enjoyed the short game. It requires the most feel, touch and tests your skills ultimately. If I could teach everybody that way first, what a bonus it would be!
All golfers are trying continually, striving for improvement but are ignoring the single most effective way of solving a re occurring problem. Unlike other sports golf has such a tiny margin of error that even the slightest change in the grip, posture, alignment feels awkward. These are fundamentals that never change. Often awkward is right when instructed by a pro!
Every top player has a coach they can turn to. Club golfers tend to look elsewhere always hoping for something better from someone else. They also look upon lessons as just for beginners which is why most only get to a certain level and stay there with little improvement. You are not just paying for tuition, you are paying for RESULTS! Experience and knowledge from your PGA Professional. It is important you find a Professional you can gel with and is a good communicator, this will always bring great achievement to your game. Elite amateurs and all Professionals are continually striving for improvement and recognise the benefits as they realise it is holistic, mind , body and swing.
If you can afford golf tuition, one or two lessons a month is ideal and can transform your game, just to keep you topped up without falling into those natural tendencies and having a good practice plan in between. Even when you are playing well it is important to go back to your Professional for the feed back and the confidence aspect. This is not a lot to ask for if you want improvement. At the end of the day, you want to enjoy the game don't you?
The quickest way to improve your scores is to work on your short game. I see so many golfers heading for the range with their driver's, beating balls but never do I see as many on the short game area and they wonder why they are not scoring.
I learnt golf from the green backwards and have always enjoyed the short game. It requires the most feel, touch and tests your skills ultimately. If I could teach everybody that way first, what a bonus it would be!
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Custom Fit Testimonial
Here is a testimonial from a very happy customer who has just been custom fitted for a full set of Tom Wishon golf clubs. He was very pleased with the fitting experience and particularly with his new clubs. As a professional I can see that the Tom Wishon Your Fit Programme benefits players of all ages and abilities.
David's new Wishon clubs have improved his game in a number of ways. I would say the benefits to David are:
His distances have increased
His accuracy has improved
His clubs are more suited to him and therefore they feel easier to use
He is enjoying his game more.
Read his testimonial below:
A Golfing Problem Solved
I wonder how many older players are finding the last few holes of each round hard work! Osteo-arthritis of neck, stiff shoulder joints and a jerky swing result in a feeling that one is swinging lead weights by the end of the round. In my case, a condition of the hands called Dupuytren’s syndrome is gradually stiffening the finger joints. It is painful, though for others this is not always so. I felt in simple terms, I needed clubs that were lighter in weight and which transmitted less “reaction” through the Regular shaft to my painful hands, forearms and shoulders.
I went to discuss these problems with Carla White, WPGA professional at the Sycamore Golf Centre at Golborne. She recommended that I study the Tom Wishon Golf technology web site to gain some knowledge of golf club design and technology. Impressed I returned to Carla to be “measured” using the latest technology. This includes swing speed, ball flight and direction and spin. As important, the professional can assess or in my case knows after a number of years, the type of game I play.
The details were sent to Tom Wishon and his recommendations were received within a week. In my case these were for a driver, two fairway woods (5 & 7), two hybrids (5 & 6) and 8& 9 irons and three wedges. I was able to choose and try three of these clubs on the course before purchase. The whole process took about four weeks from start to finish.
Was it worth it? The significant reduction in club weight and the almost zero reaction to my painful hands and shoulders is very real. I have no doubt that that my playing lifetime will be increased! Of greater interest to all golfers are the greater distances that I am achieving with all clubs and with greater “feel” with the wedges.
Why buy clubs “off the peg” when you can be” fitted” by a professional who will assess your game and use modern technology to design a set of clubs especially for you. These clubs will be designed to suit the characteristics of your physique and game. A little more expensive probably: it may not turn you into the club champion but it will help the development of your golfing skills and certainly increase your enjoyment of this wonderful game.
David Bowden
David's new Wishon clubs have improved his game in a number of ways. I would say the benefits to David are:
His distances have increased
His accuracy has improved
His clubs are more suited to him and therefore they feel easier to use
He is enjoying his game more.
Read his testimonial below:
A Golfing Problem Solved
I wonder how many older players are finding the last few holes of each round hard work! Osteo-arthritis of neck, stiff shoulder joints and a jerky swing result in a feeling that one is swinging lead weights by the end of the round. In my case, a condition of the hands called Dupuytren’s syndrome is gradually stiffening the finger joints. It is painful, though for others this is not always so. I felt in simple terms, I needed clubs that were lighter in weight and which transmitted less “reaction” through the Regular shaft to my painful hands, forearms and shoulders.
I went to discuss these problems with Carla White, WPGA professional at the Sycamore Golf Centre at Golborne. She recommended that I study the Tom Wishon Golf technology web site to gain some knowledge of golf club design and technology. Impressed I returned to Carla to be “measured” using the latest technology. This includes swing speed, ball flight and direction and spin. As important, the professional can assess or in my case knows after a number of years, the type of game I play.
The details were sent to Tom Wishon and his recommendations were received within a week. In my case these were for a driver, two fairway woods (5 & 7), two hybrids (5 & 6) and 8& 9 irons and three wedges. I was able to choose and try three of these clubs on the course before purchase. The whole process took about four weeks from start to finish.
Was it worth it? The significant reduction in club weight and the almost zero reaction to my painful hands and shoulders is very real. I have no doubt that that my playing lifetime will be increased! Of greater interest to all golfers are the greater distances that I am achieving with all clubs and with greater “feel” with the wedges.
Why buy clubs “off the peg” when you can be” fitted” by a professional who will assess your game and use modern technology to design a set of clubs especially for you. These clubs will be designed to suit the characteristics of your physique and game. A little more expensive probably: it may not turn you into the club champion but it will help the development of your golfing skills and certainly increase your enjoyment of this wonderful game.
David Bowden
Sunday, 21 April 2013
I finally finished my PGA Advanced Diploma to be awarded as an Advanced Professional at Birmingham University on Friday, 19th, April. I was very honoured and it was worth all the hard work. It was a great sense of personal achievement and it just goes to show that you should never stop learning.
G.O.L.F. - Great Opportunities Lifelong Friends
G.O.L.F. - Great Opportunities Lifelong Friends
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Me with Beverley Lewis, the first and only Female Captain of the PGA. |
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All graduates, I'm in there somewhere! |
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Me with Sandy Jones, Chief Executive of the PGA |
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Me with guest speaker Naga Munchetty, a very keen 11 handicap golfer herself |
Tom Wishon is a world leader in custom club fitting. He has 33 years experience in golf research and has 44 "1sts" in original clubhead design and technology.
He has created custom designed golf clubs that have been used to win tournaments on the PGA tour and Ryder Cup competitions.
Five books written about clubmaking and fitting
Over 400 golf equipment magazine articles
Technical adviser for the PGA of America
On the panel for Golf Digest magazine since 1994.
If Tom Wishon Technology designed a fully customised set of golf clubs for you there are about 20 + characteristics of your golf swing tailored to you, which on their own or in combination with each other could change the way you hit the golf ball without you ever changing your swing.
He has created custom designed golf clubs that have been used to win tournaments on the PGA tour and Ryder Cup competitions.
Five books written about clubmaking and fitting
Over 400 golf equipment magazine articles
Technical adviser for the PGA of America
On the panel for Golf Digest magazine since 1994.
If Tom Wishon Technology designed a fully customised set of golf clubs for you there are about 20 + characteristics of your golf swing tailored to you, which on their own or in combination with each other could change the way you hit the golf ball without you ever changing your swing.
This club fitting program is unique and will give all golfers the best equipment to suit their game. The golf club will be built to your specifications and you will be able to test it. Once tested we can establish if it suits you, or there needs to be some tweeks or any changes you desire. This service does not come with any major brand, which makes this a very personal touch.
As an Advanced Professional and swing coach, I know that all golfers come in different shapes and sizes, there are many different swing characteristics, strength and athletic ability.
The golf club loft, lie, face angle, length, swingweight, kick point in the shaft, total weight, launch angle, club head speed, bounce of the club and grip size are all measured to give you the best fit. So what chance have you got buying off the shelf and the internet where brands are mass produced.
This club fitting session will take around 45 minutes.
I am very lucky to be a fitter for Tom Wishon and feel very priviledged to be working with one of the best in the buisiness of custom fitting so DON'T DELAY, BOOK AN APPOINTMENT AND GET THE EQUIPMENT THAT SUITS YOUR GAME.
Friday, 15 March 2013
If you get frustrated on the range or on the course you are facing a losing battle to shoot lower scores. Try your best to feel 'quiet' in your mind and not bother where the ball goes. The idea is to feel calm and composed, trying to find a deeper 'quiet' feeling and you will notice changes in your rhythm and tempo. You will have more time, your mind will have more space and you won't judge or analyse every shot. You will hopefully gain 'awareness'.
So many times I see people dashing onto the range hitting a quick bucket of balls and dashing off. They don't seem aware that they are rushing and getting very little feedback from their practice. They have no plan to their practice or pre shot routine. This is likely to form a habit of not thinking quietly about what they are trying to achieve. It is likely that this is also the way they play on the golf course!

So many times I see people dashing onto the range hitting a quick bucket of balls and dashing off. They don't seem aware that they are rushing and getting very little feedback from their practice. They have no plan to their practice or pre shot routine. This is likely to form a habit of not thinking quietly about what they are trying to achieve. It is likely that this is also the way they play on the golf course!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
What is launch angle?
Launch angle is the angle at which the golf ball immediately takes off after leaving the club face. It can vary for different ball speeds. The two main factors are the type of shaft and how you attack the ball. For example, when you swing your driver, you are hopefully hitting the ball on the upswing, but you could be hitting it on the down which will alter the launch angle considerably and impart more spin and you won't get much roll out after landing.
Ball speed is one and a half times faster than club head speed - more club head speed - more ball speed.
You can only achieve this if you are hitting the ball out of the sweetspot of the club. Swinging yourself and your club faster does not guarantee distance, you are after a slower, well timed swing for precise ball striking. This will produce more ball speed than a fast mishit! Go out and give it a try!
Ball speed is one and a half times faster than club head speed - more club head speed - more ball speed.
You can only achieve this if you are hitting the ball out of the sweetspot of the club. Swinging yourself and your club faster does not guarantee distance, you are after a slower, well timed swing for precise ball striking. This will produce more ball speed than a fast mishit! Go out and give it a try!
Friday, 22 February 2013
Think of your feet
This means building a strong stable base. Are you aware of the weight in your feet for your centre of balance?
Rock around between your heels and toes and feel where your balance stabilises. It should be between the balls of each foot, nice and even. Now you are ready to support your golf swing!
Rock around between your heels and toes and feel where your balance stabilises. It should be between the balls of each foot, nice and even. Now you are ready to support your golf swing!
Monday, 21 January 2013
You will benefit from Yoga, through your mind and body. It increases flexibility and stamina, builds strength and improves balance and concentration. All ages can do it and it will certainly help your golf and help you become more aware of that mind and body connection. The physical goal of Yoga is to keep the spine strong and flexible, as the spine is the body's supporting structure. Most poor posture, with hunched shoulders is due to sitting at desks, working at computers and lots of driving. Practicing Yoga, strengthens all your back muscles and helps your alignment. I can relate Golf to Yoga as it takes patience and good regular practice.
Yoga is being used now regularly for all athletes and coaches and part of all training sessions. You can train for your specific sport. It also helps you maintain a good level of fitness.
Here are a few poses you can try.
Yoga is being used now regularly for all athletes and coaches and part of all training sessions. You can train for your specific sport. It also helps you maintain a good level of fitness.
Cures for back pain
Fixing faults in your golf swing can diminish back pain, as bad habits develop injuries will occur. So coaching is very important for you, as you are constantly being checked that you are getting into the correct fundamentals. Same goes for your equipment, if it doesn't fit you will be making compensations.
Any core stability exercise will benefit your lumbar spine and your pelvic area. A golf movement is very much stressed on this area. Many elite players are welcoming core exercise like yoga and pilates as part of their training. Please contact me if you need any help or advice on any of these issues.
Any core stability exercise will benefit your lumbar spine and your pelvic area. A golf movement is very much stressed on this area. Many elite players are welcoming core exercise like yoga and pilates as part of their training. Please contact me if you need any help or advice on any of these issues.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Hopeless Hacker to Good Golfer
Many people lack the discipline and the will to be good at something. This is true for golf, with the proper teaching any golfer can improve very quickly. It does take patience though Golfers say to me when will I break 100? 90? 80? 70? "When you are ready", I say. You have to be honest. You can do it because you deserve it. Golfers have to prioritise their aims and ambitions and visualise how they are going to get there. The training and the practice never ends. You can never say "I can stop now, I've got it!"
Top players achieve phenomenal success over years and they continue to do every thing they can to be better, striving for perfection.
Top players achieve phenomenal success over years and they continue to do every thing they can to be better, striving for perfection.
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