Sunday, 18 August 2013

Weighted club

Do you struggle with hitting all your clubs the same distance? This generally happens with women and older golfers who let their muscles get out of shape. They generally don't hit the ball hard enough for the loft to make any difference. That's why the 4 iron goes as far as the 8 iron.

To stretch the muscles, for more distance you should practice swinging with a weighted club 5 minutes a day, in a couple of weeks you will see a big difference in your club head speed. There are lots of training aids on the market to add weight to the golf club. Contact me if you need help.

The Powersleeve weighted training aid is perfect for this purpose and is available at my Pro Shop to buy where I will give a demonstration of how to use it effectively.

In just 15 minutes I can improve the dynamics of your golf swing.