Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The benefits of new grips

If you are looking for an improvement in your game, check your grips on your golf clubs. They are often ignored, but it is one of the cheapest options for better play. Your old grips could be a major hindrance to your game, they gradually wear and go unnoticed. Golfers slowly adjust to worn out grips, the grips gets shiny and slick, so your grip pressure gets tighter and once there is tension in the wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders and neck it is virtually impossible to make a smooth and controlled swing.

A new grip will eradicate this problem and help with longer straighter shots. You can even have the right size fitted for your hand, if done properly, for example if the grip is too thin for your hands, you will only grip it tighter resulting in too much tension and you won't be able to release the golf club very easily. The same applies if the grip is too thick for your hands. You can even have lighter grips if you prefer to 'feel' more weight in the head, this also applies for putting.

The grip is what you are in contact with, which makes up all of your 'feel' through the golf club.


Please contact me at the Pro shop or email me and we can get those new grips fitted. They will be ready for you the next day.