Monday, 30 July 2012


Juniors are often given their parents clubs that are cut down to size. Hand me down clubs are not the answer,  as they can cause problems:

* Cutting down a shaft to fit a child makes it stiff and difficult for them to use. They need a lightweight shaft that has a lot of flex in it.

* The grip size of a cut down club will be too large for their small hands. Junior clubs have smaller grips which enables the child to have a proper grip.

* The overall weight of an adult size club head is too heavy. Junior clubs are much lighter and balanced to suit the strength of the child.

* Junior clubs usually have more loft on them, this lets the child get the ball in the air easier and helps them enjoy the game more.

* Juniors should have clubs as they are growing, so you buy the club with the child. So, just buy a couple of clubs at a time, so it keeps the cost down  but will help them improve and prevent injuries. Injuries are suffered if the equipment is wrongly measured, just as it would be for you or I.

Lessons are important for everybody but the younger you start with kids the longer they maintain the technique for the rest of their lives and will have great fun doing it!

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