This is the time of year to evaluate your season to see where you can make improvements for next year. You can then be ready and primed like a well trained race horse ready to bust loose in spring! Don't leave it till the last minute. The work you do over the winter will determine your summer game.
Diagnose your mis<
hits with your coach, get to the root of the problem and apply golf swing training drills during your practice. You can even do this at home with a golf club and a mirror. It's well worth having one or two lessons a month through the winter. Repetitive drill training for your golf swing will encourage your muscles to produce the correct technique.
If you were to learn a language the best way is to keep speaking it all of the time so you hear the phrases and memorise them. This can't happen with long breaks. Learning a sport is no different. Constant repetition and practice is the key.
This is a great time of year to strengthen specific golf muscles. TPI training and screening is available, see Carla in the Pro Shop for details. These are just simple golf exercises, you don't have to pound the gym for hours on end and any age can do it! Just a few minutes a day in your own home.
This is a biggy! As golfers get older they lose a tremendous amount of flexibility, which results in a massive reduction in distance and golf swing consistency. The only way to stop this decline is to plan a specific stretching program. Please see Carla in the Pro Shop for help with this. You will be amazed over time at the freedom you will get in your movement if you do a few simple stretches 3 times a week.
Golfers always find time to come to the driving range, why not find some time for the activities above and really feel the difference by the spring.
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